║ NAME                                                        ║
║ Class         Level 1 Halfling      ║         ║             ║
║ Title         Halfling Veteran      ║         ║             ║
║ Alignment     Neutral               ║         ║             ║
╠ABILITY SCORES═══════════════════════╩═════════╬═════════════╣
║ STR  13  +1  Melee hit/dmg, Open Doors        ║             ║
║ INT  16  +2  Languages, Literate              ║             ║
║ WIS  14  +1  Saves vs Magic                   ║             ║
║ DEX  12  +0  AC, Missile Hit                  ║             ║
║ CON  14  +1  Hit Points                       ║             ║
║ CHA  16  +1  6/9 Retainers/Morale             ║             ║
╠COMBAT════════════════╦SAVING THROWS═══════════╬MOVEMENT═════╣
║ HP (1d8+1)         3 ║ Death/Poison         8 ║ OV      90m ║
║ Armor Class        5 ║ Wands                9 ║ EX     120' ║
║ Melee hit/dmg     +1 ║ Paralyze/Petrify    10 ║ EN      40' ║
║ Missile hit       +0 ║ Breath Attacks      13 ║ Doors   3/6 ║
║ Initiative        +1 ║ Spells/Rods/Staves  12 ║             ║
║ AC   9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0 ║                     +5% ║
║ d20 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ║                   /2000 ║
 Only use small weapons/armor, can't use longbow or 2h sword
 Hide: woods/undergrowth (90%), still in shadows/cover (2/6)
 -2 to AC vs large opponents, +1 initiative, +1 missile attacks
 Stronghold: Can build shire at any level
 Torches x6          Iron rations x7       
 Backpack  Tinder box  Waterskin  11gp
 Chainmail (AC 5)
 Sling - 1d4, blunt, missile (40/80/160)
 20 stones
 50' of Rope
 Grappling hook